Francine Vandal

Real Estate


I want to inform you that Mrs Francine Vandal is fraudulenty renting condos.indeed, she had rented condos to people in Québec Canada. She collects the money for the rent several months in advance then cancels the réservations under false pretense and does not refund the money...

Company: Francine Vandal
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Fort Lauderdale
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Francine Vandal

USA Resort Condos
Theft / Copyright Infringement / Outstanding Debt

American Travel And Management - Francine Bauer - Kevin Raines
Steal your money and do not reply to phone calls. They provide a guarantee but do not honor it. Rip-off!

American Travel And Management
Ripoff. This is a scam. Took our money and promised us lots of benefits said they were approved by Better Business Bureau

Inter-financial Group
Francine Brown Scammed me for $1,250.00 for PPI on a loan

Branson Condos
Branson Condos

The Home Store, Francine Online Home Store
The Home Store, Francine Online Home Store never sent my order, did not refund money

Y Max Communication Corp And Frqancine Mary Stuttle
Consumer Report

Francine Oca
Her current business is called: Live Gorgeous OC. Botox Scamme

Great Escapes Vacation Club
Rip-off company with empty promises Lakeland Florida