Alicia Hogan Rental Property
Craigslist scamme

Real Estate

Happening, I Will modify and include later as I obtain more information.

Change: I Have had 3 emails from Craigslist vendors, it appears Alicia can also be just starting to fraud on craigslist, I just possess the preliminary e-mail, like the one Steve O Smithson uses.

Change: This Is Actually The typical overpayment fraud, he (regardless of the title, this can be a guy in Nigeria) often directs a cheque for $3,000 within the due quantity, from what I Have been informed, the cheques are of low quality, and also the lender usually declines them, how-ever, should you choose deposit them, you'll be responsible for anything driven onto it, and perhaps responsible for legal costs for showing a fake or solid check.

Edit: I really believe the title Alfred Morrison can be utilized about the cheques or money purchase

Edit: I are in possession of 2 distinct original emails, these two are being used.

Company: Alicia Hogan Rental Property
Country: USA
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