Mexico Paradise Getaways

Real Estate

Mexico Paradis Getaways - is a scam!

We joined an organization in February and as a prize we won a total FREE trip to Mexico provided by Mexican Paradise Getaways (MPG). Little did we know what we were getting into. It was never disclosed the underlying reason for this free prize was to get the winners to attend and buy timeshares in Mexico. After you get started in this process it gets worse as you go along. My bottom line is that I did get my money back $400 ($100 deposit and $300 airport tax) buy I had to go through hell to get it back. It is my advice to cancel your certificate and get out of this as quickly as you can.

My story is much like everyone else. I meticulously submitted all the required paperwork to MPG, selecting three convenient days and provided the initial $100 returnable deposit. At this point I was still onboard thinking this was a great deal. Next was the requirement to provide $300 money order for Airport Taxes, which I did also — still a good deal by my thinking. The last requirement was to provide my credit card information. This is where my knees started shaking and I decided I best try to find out something about MPG. I looked online and was surprised by the abundance of information in the form of complaints about MPG. I immediately cancelled my MPG certificate in September. Shortly afterward I began requesting a full refund. Over the next 5 months I repeatedly bugged MPG requesting the status of my refund. My weekly emails were ignored by MPG for the first 4 months. Armed with the advise of others on the internet I also contacted the Southwest Missouri Better Business Bureau of Missouri (email: springfield. and the Missouri Attorney General Office (AGO) (email: Consumer. Help@ago. Mo. Gov). Both BBB and AGO opened a case against MPG, however, only AGO took the next step and assigned one of its attorney's (Tyrone) to follow-up with MPG. The AGO representative informed me he had about 100 other complaints he was currently working against MPG. It was shortly after AGO got involved that MPG rep Chuck Snow ( contacted us. Chuck was the first person in all that time at MPG since my cancellation to actually email us and call.initially he was very appologetic and wanted to coordinate sending us to Mexico (somewhere different than the 6 original places). We stood our ground and let him know all we wanted was to get out money back. Within about 5 weeks of Chuck getting involved MPG returned both the deposit and the airport taxes, two separate checks. Our recommendation is no matter at what point you are at to stop the madness and cancel you certificate. Yes there have been some people that have actually gone to Mexico and had a reasonable time for very little investment and you can find their stories online also. But for us it was just not worth the trouble and frustration. Only other email address I have gathered in this process: Marcy Wolf (owner?) - Good luck and I hope this helps.

Company: Mexico Paradise Getaways
Country: USA
State: Missouri
City: Branson
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Mexico Paradise Getaways - Chuck Snow - Doug Becker
Mexico Paradise Getaways took $400 from me for a trip. They did not let me take the trip and they refused to refund my money

Mexico Paradise Getaways
Mexico Paradise Getaways, LLC is a scam that stole $100 to process an application for a free trip to Mexico which was never delivered

Mexico Paradise Getaways, Global Vacation Network
MPG Stole my $100 and I never got a trip!

Mexico Paradise Getaways
Ridiculous Runaround

Mexico Paradise Getaways

Mexico Paradise Getaways. LLC
Failure to Keep Promises

Mexico Paradise Getaways
Rips people off and makes you jump thru hoops to only be deceived! Breach of contract!

Mexico Paradise Getaways - Chuck Snow - Doug Becker
Marcy Wolf (Mexico) Company tries to unilaterally switch destination, ignores customer letters, phone calls, faxes, e-mails

Mexico Paradise Getaways
Class Action Lawsuit

Mexico Pardise Getaways
No Getaway for You!