108th Congress - White House
108th Congress & White House rip-off of consumers! Washington

Politics & Government

Here we go again.

Shame, shame, shame on the public for defending our rights against flagrant, corrupt & unscrupulous companies. I suppose these lobbyists who have bought off congress will say that the reason for ending class action lawsuits is because they can't compete with the high cost of litigation.

The problem here folks is that these same corporations that are "outsourcing" your jobs for greedy profits & contributing to the Bush Cartel & other Republicans, now want to limit the public's ability to seek compensation from companies who put the public at risk with such problems as faulty products or flagrant company mismanagement, just like the recent Enron & WorldCom fiascos, as well as, other greedy companies that are
responsible for our groundwater MTBE contamination that is now plaguing our individual states.

The congresspeople who have been bought by lobbying dollars have been trying for quite some time to limit the corporate responsibility to the public & environment. Congress & corp. America think that the public should be responsible so that the corporations can continue to profit & pollute with no worries of clean-up efforts or lawsuits for their corrupt & despicable behavior, all sanctioned by our friends in congress of course.

These companies, including our wonderful government departments like the U.S. Marines & Navy, and other corporations like Walmart & Home Depot have contaminated places like our ground water supplies, but don't want to spend the money from their profits to clean-up their own messes. They would rather have the public stuck with the cost of the clean-ups, which has been prevalent since the government shifted to a Republican run operation led by that failure of a president (who is illegally holding the highest office in the country), anything for profit
- right folks?

The 108th Congress, the "Best Little @#^%$@&*#$" in Washington (formerly Texas). You know folks, sorry for the language, but I can't seem to come up with a more appropriate phrase to use in the context of this particular message, hopefully it is starting to sink in with some people.

Censor this congress!

Company: 108th Congress - White House
Country: USA
State: District of Columbia
City: Washington DC
Address: Washinton DC
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