Brett Gokdsworthy
Shift2neutral beachhut media goldsworthy nominees Un -australian-Human - Parasite - Fraudster Sydney

Politics & Government

Goldsworthy has recently written his own boastful press releases claiming to be a humanitarian, human parasite would be a more apt description. Whilst he may live in Australia any profit he makes are hidden in the tax haven of Norfolk Island. He also claims to be involved in Charity Work the only record we can find is when he took advantage of a tragedy where a family member died of cancer he successfully raised funds which he then pocketed. He recently lost a number of court cases, in one he tried avoid a $158.000 tax bill by claiming a brain tumor. He also recently lost another multi hundred thousand dollar case. The Judge stated that she simply "did not believe him"

His other scam is carbon credits he claims to have helped schools with credits but cannot remember where the credits came from or how they were verified and by who..

Recently when approached by a TV camera crew he ran like a rat and hid in a cafe.

The Indigenous Tribes of Mindanao placed a curse on him after he ripped them off for amount in excess of half a billion dollars. The curse appears to be working as the word is bankruptcy is imminent.

Company: Brett Gokdsworthy
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Address: Eucaliptus Drive. Westleigh. NSW
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Brett Goldsworthy
Shift2neutral. Beach Hut Media. Goldsworthy Nominees. Pushing the limits on credibility. Westleigh

Brett Goldsworthy
Shift2neutral. Beach hut media, smart ventures. Bn global Fraud in carbon credits, finance fraud

Brett Goldsworthy
Charity cheat. Cheated Salvation Army, Cheated Family Cheated Employee's Westleigh

Brett Goldsworthy
Dirty Harry - Harry Van Leent JAILED - RAPE - ATTEMPTED MURDER - FRAUD Westleigh

Brett Goldsworthy
Diamonds to dust. Fraud. Perjury, Lie's, Cheating, Westleigh

Brett Goldsworthy
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Brett Goldsworthy
Shift2neutral, Beach Hut Media. Smart Ventures. Equities Board, Sakura oil Carbon Cowboy, Conman, Fraudster, Cheat, Liar, Buffoon
Booted from the site and credits kept

One million imvu credits gone, my pay = not a single penny!

Fast Corporate Solutions Ltd
Consumer Report