Brett Goldsworthy
Shift2neutral. Beach Hut Media. Goldsworthy Nominees. Pushing the limits on credibility. Westleigh

Business & Finance

Pushing the limits of Credibility. Goldsworthy has lost 4 major court cases in a row. It appears a group of his many victims have banned together to ensure Goldsworthy is exposed and that every time he surfaces with another attempted scam they intend to expose him. He has recently released a series of self written boastful press releases to attract more victims.

He is using the "Green Angle" and his dodgy Shift2neutral company to relieve people of there GREENBACKS $.
Shift2neutral has attracted TV/Radio and press coverage World Wide exposing his fake credits/fake certifying and his fake press releases.

Company: Brett Goldsworthy
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Address: Westleigh. Sydney NSW
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Brett Goldsworthy
Shift2neutral. Beach hut media, smart ventures. Bn global Fraud in carbon credits, finance fraud

Brett Gokdsworthy
Shift2neutral beachhut media goldsworthy nominees Un -australian-Human - Parasite - Fraudster Sydney

Brett Goldsworthy
Shift2neutral, Beach Hut Media. Smart Ventures. Equities Board, Sakura oil Carbon Cowboy, Conman, Fraudster, Cheat, Liar, Buffoon

Brett Goldsworthy
Diamonds to dust. Fraud. Perjury, Lie's, Cheating, Westleigh

Brett Goldsworthy
Dirty Harry - Harry Van Leent JAILED - RAPE - ATTEMPTED MURDER - FRAUD Westleigh

Brett Goldsworthy
Shift2nothing Extradition Pending Westleigh

Brett Goldsworthy
Charity cheat. Cheated Salvation Army, Cheated Family Cheated Employee's Westleigh

Christopher S. Mayes
Is not an author and is making up his own press releases

Ac Tool Supply Inc
Writes up false press releases to boost their image saying they

PR Web Vocus sends out press releases. I paid $1800 for 24 press releases with the understanding that they would be sent to a list of preferred clients they said were included in their database. They sent me