Marshfield Missouri sheriifs office and the police that work for him or
Corruption at its worst

Politics & Government

To the Internal Affairs department
This is a sworn statement, and what I will attest to under oath in court.
First I received a phone call, It was a police officer on the other end of the phone. He stated his name, what department he worked for. Then he ask if I new Penelope and Amanda Raymer. I said "yes that is my wife and daughter, is everything alright". Then he said, "Yes but, that I was called to investigate a trespassing call and on arrival I had noticed a woman that was yelling and was at first glance very upset.
When I approached this woman to calm her down, I could smell what I determined, was the strong sent of alcohol. I got the woman to be quiet, so I could determine who was who.
There was a man in a black pickup, who waved me over to him. When I approached him, he said that the woman who was yelling was the one who called the police. But that he followed only to keep an eye on her, she was drinking and mixing medications to it. So then I took his and the womans statement.
Then questioned your wife and daughter, who said that they were just looking for arrowheads, talking and maybe apiece or two of car wire thrown out. But had not been in or around the buildings". I ask him " did you ask if any one seen them in or around the buildings". His response was, "well the two who was the ones that called it in said they pulled in at the same time, Both watched the two woman walking in the field looking down and talking. And the man in the pick-up said, He heard his friend start yelling that they did not belong there.

That was when the two in the field started out of the field, heading at a walk towards their car. And then the younger of the two got in the passenger side of the car. The older one walked over trying to calm my friend down, saying that they were not trying to steal anything. They had just stopped to look in the field for arrowheads.
My friend cut her off yelling, youre back to rob us again. You want what you missed last week"
I then ask, " have you searched my wife, and daughter". He said, "your wife, daughter and your vehicle there was nothing on, in or around where the two of them was at that belonged to the property. And there was no sign that they where in any structure. I found no tools that was in, or on them fore burglary, or their vehicle". I ask what did he need then. He replied, " I need you to come pick up your car and daughter" I ask, " what about my wife". His response was " my boss says to charge her with trespass " I ask, " isnt that a ticket or summons".

His response was, " I have orders to arrest her and bring her in. It should not take more than a couple of hours. Then you will most likely be able to get her" I said ok he told me ware they where my son said we should be there in 10 to 20 minutes. He said good, We said "by", hung up the phone and grabbed the keys, and was headed out the door.

The phone rang again, so my son answered it. He handed the phone to me again, it was the same officer. I said "yes", he said, "I am glad I got you before you came out here. I have to tow your vehicle so if you can meet me at the station in about 20 minutes you can pick up your daughter and we can talk, just ask for (his name) at the front window". So I said "ok" hung the phone.
When I got off the elevator and walked up to the window, the officer behind the glass told me they had not gotten there yet, so I sat down to wait. It was only a short time before the elevator opened, and the officer that was bringing them in got off the elevator with my wife and daughter.
My daughter walked over and sat down, the officer gave me a glance and said, "I will be right back to talk to you!" I sat back down as my wife and he disappeared in to the back. My wife lipped that she was sorry as they went by.
I ask my daughter what they were doing, she was telling me that, they had stopped to look in a field for arrowheads. The officer walked out and up to me I stood up to introduce my self. When he demand to know what they were doing in the country.
I said that "they were cleaning a friends house the last I knew", my daughter intervened saying we stopped there but they werent home so we just went to look for arrowheads". He abruptly said, " well your wife signed a statement saying your daughter was burglarizing and your daughter signed one against her". My daughter immediately said, "thats not true I have not signed any thing". The officer said, " well you said you and your mom were burglarizing".
My daughter cut him off saying "that is a lie we told you we were looking for arrowheads". Then the officer glared at me and cutting her off said to me that, "I have a friend with child services!" I glared back saying, "did you just threaten me, dont you dare". The officer turned to the elevator entered it, and quickly said, "I got to go" the door closed and he was gone.
It was 2 to 4 days later. I had gotten up and dressed, walked out on my porch and sat down. The time was just before 7:00 am. My wife was up and was fixing coffee, so we could have a cup before she went to work. A police car pulled in and a man in street clothes got out. Walked up to me and said, "Is Penelope Raymer here". I called to my wife saying "baby come out here you have company". She walked out the door saying "yes" He said, " turn around you are under arrest."
She complied and as he was cuffing her ask, "what are you arresting me for". He said, "burglary second degree". A police car with a uniformed officer pulled in as he was taking her to his car. The man in the street clothes looked at me saying, "as soon as I put her in my car I will be back to search your house, your door is open and that gives us the right to search". I responded "maybe in Russia but not here".
As he was putting my wife in the back seat, the uniformed officer was stepping out of his car. When the street clothed officer was shutting the door on my wife, the uniformed officer ask him, " what are you doing we dont have a warrant! And you are out of uniform". The street clothed officer said """ whoop de do what they gonna do Fire me""". Then he got in his car and drove away, the other officer followed.
At 9:00 am, I was at the window in the station waiting. My second oldest son was with me. The female officer at the window asks, " can I help you". I said, " I am here to speak to the sheriff". She immediately said, "he is very busy",
I responded, " I will wait all day if I have to". I sat down, as did my son. The officer at the window disappeared for a few minutes, when she returned she said, "come on back he will see you. My son and I proceeded to and through the door that had to be buzzed in.
As we walked through the door, there was two officers on the other side waiting. One was adjusting his cuff on his shirt and ask, " do you recognize me". I said, "no". He promptly said, " I am the one that arrested you wife". To which I said, "oh".
Then we continued to follow the other officer to the sheriffs Office. As we walking to his office there were 2 or 3 officers by this time, that were cussing and trying to get a response from my son and me. We were ignoring them. But when we walked in the office and I shook hands with who said he was the sheriff. My son finally gave in to there provoking and said, F You". To which I turned to my son and said hey hold your tongue and ignore them or wait for me out side, I am trying to talk to the sheriff.
And then the officers out side the room but at the door, said something else and my son, stood up saying "f this Ill see you out side". Turned walked out the door, and left with the 2 or 3 officer following him, and still trying to provoke him.
At that point, I looked back at the man who said he was the sheriff. He was looking at the desk and or floor giggling. I ask him at that time " who is in charge here you or them". The officers returned and ruddily interrupted. Saying "he was saying f and we dont allow that language in here" and I looked at the officer who spoke, then at the sheriff (or who ever it was pretending to be him). And stood up, then looked athe officers at the door saying, "well I apologize, I thought I was speaking to the sheriff, not his p. Wife excuse me, and walked out to the door with 3 or 4 officers still cussing me and saying they would kick my ass. When I reached the door I turned to face the officers who were behind me and 1 or 2 had went behind the wall in the other room. I looked at the 2 that was still there and said, " I have my nitrol so if a fight is what you want, then lets rumble".
The 2 bad representatives for law enforcement stepped back a step. And I said, Just as I thought, all mouth no action. Turned grabbing the knob that the female officer was buzzing. And as I was attempting to exit she released the button so it would not open. The 3 officers were having a good laugh at that.
I then looked at the female officer and said, "funny ha ha, when I reach for the door this time and it dont open I am taking that as an assault and you will be my first target". I turned the knob opened the door and left.

Now I know there are people out there that say, Hard to swallow, this is bunk etc. But when they are the targets, then they say why doesnt anyone believe me. Well all that is in here, is what I am an eye and ear witness to. So dont cry when you find your self in jail or raped and or murdered by these ones who swore to up hold the law. But break it worse than most of the ones they do get that are actual crooks. Or just go to Marshfield Missouri, and sit in the courtroom for a few days and see for your self if they are not some of the most corrupt officials you have seen.investigate the evidence that they dont have for the ones they force to take plea deals, by threat of long term jail with out a trial and threats of harm to family members and not allowing them to communicate with friends or family.
Oh let me correct one thing they will lock you up and keep you there until you break. The public defender that is supposed to protect your rights, will lie to you about what can be done if you dont take the offer that the prosecutor gives. And does not care what the truth is because they force you to fill out papers saying if you lose you owe their office 300. To 500 hundred dollars

Company: Marshfield Missouri sheriifs office and the police that work for him or
Country: USA
State: Missouri
City: Marshfield
Address: Critennden road the city squar
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