Southwestern Institute
Southwestern Institute & Carmen W Clayton cruel rude ripped off $350

Politics & Government

I applied to be a resident at Southwestern Institute while my mother was in hospice. When she died there were legal obligations to take care of and I had to delay the arrival date. Carmine told me, Just get over it!" "If you don't come on that date we will keep the deposit of $350" and when I tried to explain she told me I was whining about my mother's death and other cruel remarks. She kept the $350 deposit. From what others have written about Southwestern Institute I am lucky I was only ripped off for $350. The comments were cruel, hurtful and malicious. These are not people I would want to be involved with.

Company: Southwestern Institute
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Bisbee
Address: 500 tombstone city
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