Mike Rainey
Benefit scams and fraudulent fund raisers

Politics & Government

This guy has been holding fundraisers and benefits to help generate donations for what he is claiming will go towards a charity to help find a cure for autism. Claiming the funds will be donated under his nephews name with the charity www.walknowforautismspeaks.org He is, however, pocketing the money and failing to make disposition of funds into the account. He has been creating events on Facebook and to get people to show up at his shows which means he will not hesitate to exploit the childs disability to rip-off his very own friends and family. Not only is it criminal, but out-right pathetic that someone would stoop this low to use the disability of a child who is a family member to personally benefit, financially. A prime example can be found at the next link. You may have to login to facebook to view it.

Http://m. Facebook.com/event.php? Eid=173772916002690&refid=20

And the account the money is supposed to be deposited into can be found here. No login required.

Http://www.walknowforautismspeaks.org/faf/donorReg/mobileDonorPledge.Asp? Ievent=470163&lis=1&kntae470163=1FCAB9236C154BEA95FEBEF23CD49478&supId=323269655&team=0&scWidth=480

Please do not attend these shows.

Company: Mike Rainey
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Glenolden
Address: South ave
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