State Of Florida Child Support Enforcement
Broken Government systems

Politics & Government

I have been dealing with the State of Florida's CSE, branch for over a decade now and it is horrible. I am a non custodial parent and I pay state enforced child support. Here is my complaint First we will goto the begining back in I had a child with my ex-wife after the child was born the ex-wife wanted a divorce. After a few months of living in hell in a aptment with her and our newborn trying to make it work, me and her came to the agreement of me getting thrown out, or I moved out because it was a very unhealthy co habitation. After that happened I started to visit my child every week, and give money orders to my ex. Next thing that happened she moved to another state, did not bother telling me where she took our child and disappeared for about a year. She returns to town does not bother looking for another job, and just goes straight to the welfare office. Now she is on welfare and the CSE gets involved.

About a year later after dealing with all the debt my ex-wife left me and the emotional grief we got the divorce finalized and the judge ordered the CSE, to enforce my child support payments. Here is one of the biggest problems with CSE, instead of both parents taking care of a child monetarily 50/50 it is determined based off of what each parent makes. For example If I have a job and I make about 1700 a month and she has no job I will end up paying 225 dollars every two weeks for my child. Its not that big of a problem but if you lose your job or make less money within a 18 year time span it is very hard to adjust that amount. It will take facing a judge and pleading your case. If you cannot pay the amount or lost your job or even try to pay the amount but you cannot pay all of it, you will get punished, and up to going to jail.

For example. Back in I ended up going to the hospital at age 28 for a perforated Ulcer. Lost my job and could not work or make any money for about a month or so, I sent a certified letter to the CSE, in Tallahassee, trying to explain what happened and even called the local office, about a week or two after I was released from the hospital with staples and tubes still hanging out of my stomach I received a delinquent letter. To make a long story short I ended up having to reformat my child support payments to pay for the time I was hospitalized, I think it went up another 20-30 dollars. So now every two weeks I am paying over Two hundred and fifty dollars. So Now I got back on my feet and have not missed a payment in over 4 years, yet at least two to three times a year I receive a final notice over Four hundred dollars or so, and everytime I get this letter I check my payment records and scratch my head, I call the local CSE office and they tell me not to worry about it. Well I am sick and tired of it, I am not behind on my child support payments as a matter a fact in the month of August, I made 3 payments!!! I am going to have to take time out to goto the CSE office once more, and get treated like a criminal and looked down upon, not to mention its not good for my health to be worrying about what the state is talking about. Each time I goto the CSE, office they cannot find where I am behind. Every single time, and they pass the buck or say they don't know, or even blame me for the error!

I pay my child support each time on, this website is awesome I can go back and check every payment I have made. My point is I am considering my legal options at this time, I am once more going to goto the CSE office taking time out of my life over another mistake they have addition this mistake is not good for my health and I am sick and tired of it.

I just wanted to bring this to the attention of the people out there, as you can see this is a horrible way to treat a human being, I was taught while growing up if you don't do anything wrong you have nothing to worry about, well boy was I taught wrong.

Thanks for reading,


Company: State Of Florida Child Support Enforcement
Country: USA
State: Florida
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