Darryl Bonner
DHS - Child Protective Services - Taylor In the business of stealing children for state and personal profit

Politics & Government

Beware! Darryl Bonner, a Taylor, Mi, Child Protective Services worker is out to steal your children for state and personal profit. CPS received a complaint that my daughter was 'touched' by her father 9 years ago, and then again 1 year ago. The touching was apparently when he rubbed her back to comfort her and the complaint was made after her father and I gave her the ultimatum to come home after she ran away. She ran away because she had crashed the car we had recently bought her. She was at fault due to running a yield sign and texting and driving. We were mad and decided that she needed to stay home (grounded) for a week, but apparently that was too unreasonable for her, and she left home.

She had always been a hard teenager to raise, having had to pull her out of public middle school and send her to a Catholic school because she was hanging out with a crowd of girls that were drinking and smoking (In Middle School!). She had run away before, and at that time she claimed we abused her. CPS dismissed the complaint. Bad grades, having sex with her boyfriend in the house, having kids over when my husband and I were at work, having parties when she was supposed to be babysitting, leaving our campsite in the middle of the night to go hand out with boys, the list goes on. She just turned 17.

I was wary about filing an incorriability report on her and have to miss work to go through court proceedings, and was checking in online to make she sure she was going to school, work, etc. She was also coming into the house and taking things when she knew we were at work. I contacted the police who said to give her a few more days because Christmas was coming, and she may feel poorly and come home.

So, after I contacted her and gave her the ultimatum, the 'complaint' comes in to CPS. CPS came in and removed our other two children from our home without a court order and before the investigation began, and now say that they there is a preponderance of evidence that abuse happened (although they will not say what the evidence is) and filed a petition to have our parental rights terminated and put our children up for adoption. I was added to the petition as "failing to protect" my child. These are all false allegations by a teenager who threw a temper tantrum, and is spoiled, and doesn't want to abide by household rules. Which being grounded, our getting your cell phone taken away, or being grounded from the computer are such horrible punishments you know...

Darryl Bonner has lied, trampled over our constitutional rights, and took comments out of context in order to get this petition into the court system.in this economy, he is not only filling his caseload to protect his job, but the State of Michigan gets money everytime a child is placed for adoption. Not once were we offered services, or anything done to try to reunite the family... We have gone from 0 to termination of parental rights in 10 secs...

After the case started, and I realized that CPS was moving forward with false allegations, I did my research. I found that many of the things that were done in my case violated my constitutional and HIPPAA rights, and that workers know what to say and do to get you to think that they are on your side and that they have the authority to do what they tell you they are going to do. For example, when I called my school district, they didn't know until they contacted the district's attorney that CPS is NOT allowed to take children from the school without a SIGNED court order. At least now they know, and I will make sure that every district in the State of Michigan is aware of this now as well. The system is very corrupted! I want all mandatory reporters (which I am one as well) and parents to know that make sure to know your rights before you allow CPS to even talk to you or your children, and that mandatory reporters not make snap judgments to call CPS. Take a good look at the situation. I will never look at any claims or comments made the same ever again.

I will be fighting for my children tirelessly and plan to do everything I can to alert the public to the corruption that is going on at Taylor CPS and especially with this novice caseworker, Darryl Bonner. He took his position on the case before he even interviewed my husband and I and has made outrageous threats. They are so aggregious, I won't even take the time to list them here... The state and CPS is not working to keep families together, it is quite the opposite.

Please BEWARE! Families are being permanently damaged by this!

Pray for us, our trial date will be in about 4 weeks.

Company: Darryl Bonner
Country: USA
State: Michigan
City: Taylor
Address: 25350 Ecorse Rd
Phone: 3132958103
Site: michigan.gov
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