Texas Department Of Criminal Justice
Deceptive recruitment tactics

Politics & Government

Thinking about becoming a correctional officer for the state of texas. Know all of the facts. First, you get good medical and dental, etc. Did you know there is only one dentist in huntsville that will accept this ins? With thousands of corrections officers living here, good luck getting in. Same with finding a doctor. Next, we don't have medical, but only a supplement. Ex. 20% of a 50,000 medical bill is 10k out of pocket. Being paid poverty level wages, try to make up the deductible. Second, many units are 12.5 hours long with one half hour unpaid break. Now standing up for 12 hrs in suffocating heat with no air conditioning or air circulation is inhumane. Guards and inmates routinely pass out from the heat. Imagine the spread of disease that occurs. Now i don't feel sorry for convicted felons, but trying to sleep in these sweatbox hellholes would drive near any man insane over time. This causes more violence as all tempers flare, both guards and convicts. This is one reason the turnover is approx 500 officers per month leaving the system. Their answer is to hire more guards. Mr taxpayer, do you have any idea how much it costs to constantly hire and train corrections officers, just to have most of them leave in the first six months or less? This is typical stupid political reasoning at its finest. Pay a living wage, let us work in humane conditions, and you will have plenty of qualified applicants, not just the bottom of the barrel that will remain after the economy picks up. One final note: if i treated my dog in such a manner, i guarantee i would be in jail instead of writing this piece.

Company: Texas Department Of Criminal Justice
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Huntsville
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