Florida Department of Children and Families
Denials due to departments neglect

Politics & Government

I have been trying to get assistance for myself and my family since January. We have been denied every time i apply. At first it was because we had to much assets (was tax time and have over 5k in the account). But once that ran out due to the economy and my husband taking a $12 a hour pay cut. We really needed help from our state/country. We have a daughter who is now 2 years old and can not goto the doctor because DCF keeps denying her medical care. We can not make all of our bills and buy food for our family. After many hours on hold and denial letters for what was a obvious mistake on DCF's end all i can do it cry because my family is in need and we can't get the help we need. We have been denied help due to a employee on DCF's side inputting information about our bank account wrong in there system.instead of putting the end balance they put the beginning balance. (found that out by speaking to one of the DCF people) Then it was that we did not supply the correct paperwork. I keep all my records btw. The paperwork they said i did not send in was faxed and i had conformation. They stated it did not show in there system but when my husband called the local office they said it was there and that they would put it in the system exactly where the information was and we would go up for review again. I was informed our assets were too high and my husband made to much at $9.00hr with three family members. The assets had to do with there clerical error of inputting the information in wrong. When i called DCF again they informed me that i needed to send in yet more information (keep in mind i have sent everything in at least twice so far). They said our daughter had temp medicaid until 30 days from date we were denied once again. As of 6/1/09 my daughter's medicaid was closed. We only found out when we brought her to the doctor and they said she had broncitus and sinustitus and needed a nebulizer machine to get breathing treatments. I went on 6/1/09 to pick up her equiptment from a medical supply company and was informed they would not be able to give it to me because date of service showed no coverage. I called DCF AGAIN and got no help. I checked the ACCESS website and it had said our case would be under review until the 6/30/09 when i checked the website 6/13/09 i got this message Your account is not active. If you need assistance contact the Customer Call Center at 866-762-2237... I have just found out i am pregnant again and filed once again the proper paperwork for help and have not gotten any response. I dont know what else to do now. I sleep uneasy and stress because i can't help my family and my state/country is not helping me in our time of need. Why have i been paying taxes the last 12 years of my life? Myself and so many others need this help from DCF and we are not getting it. Stop flooding the system with immigrants and system abusers and help the people who live here and who honestly need it. I will be sending a letter to our president our congressmen/congresswoman and anyone else who i think would listen to those who are in need in our country and are getting treated like we are trash. I have already sent a letter to the President of the United States and filed a complaint on http://usashameboard.com / I have also sent a letter to Governor Charlie Crist.

I do not know what else do to but something has to be done for your people.

Company: Florida Department of Children and Families
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Orlando
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