Arizona Child Support
Ripoff victimized many USA

Politics & Government

Arizona Child Support Not willing to support those who defend your Country.incompatent victimized many consumers Tucson, Bisbee, Seirra Vista Arizona...

During 2001 I lost my job as a telephone repair tech. I joined the military once again to support my family and my country. One week after I got stationed in New York the World trade Center fell. This created a lot of work for my unit. I was not able to submit modification paper work into the state of Arizona until 6 months later.
Arizona child support told me to wait 6 months before they would have any information for me.

Mean while taking government training money from me to pay off back support they stated I owned and extra 147 dollars out of my check with a total of 597 dollars a month. Anyone who knows much about the military knows we don't make a whole lot of money. Well after 7 months of waiting I was told by Child support that they lost the paper work due to moving operations from a county run outfit to a civilian company, and that I would have to submit more modification paper work. When I contacted the civilian company they stated that the mother had moved to Pima county (Tucson).

For the past 7 months I've been on the phone with Arizona at least once a week. Trying to get a simple modification done and add my son to my health insurance. This agency has lost this same paper work 3 more times. I have had the governors office help out from time to time with Pima county on losing paper work but this is not resolving any issue on the way things are being done. I have over 1 1/2 years of fighting this state that I wanted to get back to when I retired from the military, but if the states laws can't join the rest of the world in the 21 century then I want no parts of it. This state seem to run the same way it has for the past 200 hundred years.

The state of Arizona Child Support involved the Department of the Treasury in this case. The Department of the Treasury has pulled 4,800 dollars from me to pay back support but yet when I contacted them and Arizona child support knows one can tell me where the money is. Yet Arizona child support still states I own them over 6,000 dollars and will not call off the dogs (The Department of the Treasury).

I am a father of 2 other children on 2 and one 10 the states laws will not take in the factor that I am their only income unlike my 4 year old boy. Both the Department of the Treasury and Arizona child support are causing so much havoc on my life that my wife is wanting to leave me and the military is going to discharge me if I can go to trainings or deployments due to them taking money that don't belong to them.

On top of the state doing all this I have the mothers lawyer wanting me to pay both my share and hers to support my son. He is stating to the Arizona Child support that I make more money than I stated. I guess when you do the right thing it really does bite you in the rear. This woman told me to walk away in the beginning. I would not do this to my son. I asked the courts for a blood test due to things the mother stated before the boy arrived. And I was the one who wanted to start this case with child support in the beginning.

I have been trying to hire an attorney to help me fight the child support modification and then go after the state due to all the pain they have put me through. I have emailed Ricky Lake, Opera, Dr. Phil and the channel 5 Problem solvers in New York City to see if some one can help fight with me. I can't keep fighting the government by myself. I just can't fight them with the little money I have supporting my children here at home.

Ever since the Twin Towers fell I have been trying to keep that out of the picture, but I was hear in New York city answering the call of the president to do everything possible to help those 3,000 people that we lost. I have told this story to everyone I know to try to get help including the military so now I'm telling to world so maybe I can get help and for those who are in the same boat will not have to go through the things this agency have put my family through.

Staten Island, New York

Company: Arizona Child Support
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Tucson
Address: 7202 Rosewood
Phone: 6025421365
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