The White House
I accuse them of using manipulated and fraudulently translated information in the speech of President Obama


This is the short story;

A fraudulent and manipulated translation of a verse of the Koran has been used in the speech of President Obama in Cairo to the world audience. If it was intentional, then this must be interpreted as fraud in translation and religion. If it was unintentional, then it is very important for the sake of History and humanity that this mistake must be corrected by the White House. The complete story of why that action has damaged the cause of humanity and justice has been published on Google. Docs for viewing or download with the following address. You can find the details about where and how the fraud happened on page seven.

Company: The White House
Country: USA
State: District of Columbia
City: Washington
Address: 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
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The White House
I accuse them of using manipulated and fraudulently translated information in the speech of President Obama

President Obama
White House Comment Line

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