Rhonda Harvey
In Bowling Green Kentucky Money grubber, cheating, two faced, user, kytramp

Politics & Government

This is where it all starts, it starts off by meeting RHONDA HARVEY in bowling green, ky. Just to warn others if you not know her watch out for her, she will lie to you, she will cheat, and tell you things that you will fall for, and in the end you will loose it all. She will start off by telling you she is falling in love with you, and she likes you. She might go as far to tell you that she started to like you the moment she met you, and she will tell you she feels like (WE WHERE MADE FOR EACH OTHER) bull sh*t. And she will have you buy meals for her, and her rusty a* kids. Boy what a pair. The oldest is learning her mom's lines of work, she will be a hoe to when she done. And the other one, he could eat corn thru a pickit fence, not only is rhonda's pilot light is blown out, she is blind if she cant see her sons teeth there is something wrong. And if she can, she dosen't care. She will give you these stories about how her ex husband cheated, yea right. And tell you he beat me, i can see why, and he doesn't care about the kids, well if you dont let them see the kids, and you tell them that the kids dont want to see him, and turn around and tell the kids that there farther dont want to see them, and its a lie, well what do you think will happen. And the best part. She likes to drink, all the time. She takes drugs a diet drug she is hooked on, by the way its against the law now, they banned that drug do to it killing people, they was having heart failer, boy what a wonderful mom. So to any men out there looking for a good woman stay away from this one, she will empty your wallet, and bank account, she will go spen it out on the town with another man, and her self. Now if you like that kind of thing, and you have lots of money. Then go for it. Because i would give her a A in, well you get it... Go day and to all my comrads in iraq, soon as this leg heas, im back on the sand hooo' rahh

Company: Rhonda Harvey
Country: USA
State: Kentucky
City: Bowling Green
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