Philadelphia Family Court
The court system is a disaste

Politics & Government

I have been dealing with the Domestic Relations Division of the Philadelphia Family Court since my children were very young. My children are now twelve and sixteen, and they are owed over fifty thousand dollars in child support. Their father, Joseph Dougherty, has quit jobs, worked off the books, hidden his whereabouts and not filed tax returns for the majority of their lives. The Court has held him in contempt on the rare occasions that we have been able to find him, and there have been many bench warrants issued resulting in a slap on the hand with a frivolous fine of $500.00.

At the time of his last arrest, and because of his disgraceful record, I was able to have him held for sixty days or a payment of $5,000.00. To my amazement he came up with the money and was released before the sixty days were up. When he was released he made small payments to us for a few weeks and then, again, they stopped altogether. I have been told his license has been suspended, his credit is destroyed, and if he were to file a tax return the money would come right to me.

In February of this year he decided to file for a modification conference stating that he has not worked in months and that he should not have to pay support. Now in our case it really is that he would not like support payments accruing because, as I had stated previously, he has not made a payment in quite a long time. The first conference we attended on this matter was in April. When we were in front of the hearing officer we discussed his non payment history. We were then moved to the next level and given a hearing date of June 11th. While in the court building I filed contempt charges. We were given a hearing date of June 10th.

On June 10th, we were scheduled to go before the hearing officer at 1 pm. We did not get called in until 2:45pm. At that time, Joe stated he had $500.00 to pay and that he still was not working. I asked that he be held in contempt based on his history. The hearing officer agreed and immediately led us across the building to see a judge.By this time, it was approximately 3 pm. When we arrived there we were told that all of the judges left for the day. The hearing officer then brought us back to her office and rescheduled his hearing for July 30th. She did make him sign a paper stating that he received the information for the hearing date and told us that we would be brought before a judge right away on that day.

The modification hearing that was scheduled on the next day June 11th was not a mandatory appearance for me. Although it was not mandatory I always try to be present for every hearing. Unfortunately, this hearing fell on the same day as our daughters elementary school graduation. I called the court on June 12th and found out that he was placed in the job counseling program and that he did not have to pay child support for sixty days.

I am outraged at the entire court system. I do not understand how this was allowed to get to the point we are now. I am hoping that someone in the city of Philadelphia court system or in our government can answer a few questions for me.

1. I have been a resident of Bensalem, Bucks County for three years. Why is it that my case cannot be moved to the county for more than paperwork filing convenience? I want to know why we cannot have all of our court appearances in the county as well.
2. I want to know why three quarters of the staff on 27 South 12th street were walking around the office while I sat for 2 hours and forty five minutes to see one of the five (and I think I am being generous with this number) hearing officers with a caseload?
3. I would like to know why all the judges are able to leave so early in the day and not have one judge on duty after 3pm?
4. I would like to know why a man with an arrearage of over $50,000.00 is told to leave and come back next month?
5. I want to know why a healthy educated, capable forty year old man, is told he can go through a job placement course and does not have to pay support for two months.

It seems that no one has really looked at the case. I am very thankful to have a husband who supports me and my children, BUT he has two children as well. I send his child support payments in for him every week. We have been supporting four children. I find it disgraceful that Domestic Relations has allowed Joseph Dougherty to get away with this. My childrens father has an education past high school and has worked in management positions. He does have an earning potential much higher than that of the jobs this placement course helps. He also could work at McDonalds, Wal-Mart or anywhere else that is hiring to help support his children while looking for a position in his field. It is quite apparent, after all these years of neglect of his children, that Joseph Dougherty feels no obligation in helping to support his children.

It is high time that this man is held accountable for his abandonment and lack of concern for the welfare of his two children.

Company: Philadelphia Family Court
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Philadelphia
Address: 34 S 11 St
Phone: 2156864007
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