CSE, Supportkids
CSE, Supportkids child support scam

Politics & Government

Imagine my husband's shock when he answered the phone one afternoon last August to hear a man with a foreign accent suddenly calling him a deadbeat Dad, and that he owed over $100,000 in back child support and that he WILL pay! He had no idea what this man was talking about. His youngest child is 35 years old and this was the first time someone has ever accused him of such a travisty.

This man finally identified himself as Genero Pineda from CSE, not mentioning his location. During the next harassing phone call, my husband discovered that this CSE was located in Austin, TX! We live in NY and the children in question live in NC, and so does his ex-wife!

You see, his ex contacted this outfit and told them that my husband has never paid any child support for their 4 children, when indeed he did! When he and his ex separated in 1974 he was in the Army. Support payments came right out of his check and were sent directly to her. She remarried shortly afterwards and the "new" husband adopted the children. My husband's child support obligation ended with the adoption of the children.

Well, the ex conveniently left out ALL of those very important details. Mr. Pineda knew nothing of this. Hmmmm, I wonder why? Could this women be looking to scam money out of us since she is broke and has lost her job due to stealing from them? And since CSE would stand to gain alot of money with this claim, they are holding on for dear life in hopes that my husband can not prove that the kids were adopted.

He was threatened with wage garnishments, property liens, the whole nine yards. This Mr. Pineda did not want to hear the truth. And he continued to call and harass my husband.incidentally, causing my husband to develope heart problems and is now on heart medication for the rest of his life. The stress that he was under was unbelievable.

Then we got the letter giving us 30 days to respond if we did not agree with the amount owed. Oh, you can believe that my husband sent off the letter. He sent a copy via fax AND the US Postal Service. All was quiet after that, until last week.

He recieved a letter stating that since he did not reply within the 30 days they were going forward with the property lien. How convenient that BOTH forms of communication failed, even with a return receipt on the fax! Well, since my husband mailed the first letter back in August, he has obtained copies of the adoption papers for all 4 children. Those along with another letter disputing his ex-wife's claim were faxed again to Mr. Pineda. And a certified copy is being sent to the president of the company.

We can not believe that this company and it's employees would harass a total stranger to no end just on the information that some woman gives them over the phone! And considering that the oldest child is now 35 years old! They see dollar signs, that's why! They are hoping, as so is she, that he will not be able to proove that the children were ever adopted.

Here a woman is accusing my husband of something, and it is HIS responsibility to come up with the proof, her word seems to be golden here. Isn't this harrassment?!
If anyone has been put through a similar nightmare with CSE in Austin, TX I would love to hear your story.

Company: CSE, Supportkids
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Austin
Address: 4120 Freidrich Lane
Phone: 8662472226
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