FTC Sells Out
Federal Trade Commission Sells out the citizens

Politics & Government

The FTC is the gov - agency most people call upon when riped off by a corporation. They are the agents citizens support with their taxes to act to protect them from Frauds. But what happins when a Rip-Off Corporation provides big soft-$. (One case in Point: Travelers Express Inc. Aka: Viad Corp-). I have learned that many thousands of complaints have been filed with the FTC against this company. Travelers Express Inc. Generaly targets the poor who most often have limited resources to fight back. To each of these thousands of victims of the Travelers Express scheme FTC will send a nice form letter indicating they only get involved when some pattern is suggested. They give each of these victims to believe that there complaint is the very first they ever heard about this company. I think they need to explain that.
I find the Better Business Bureau, when bought off, provides the same kind of service. There
a fraud but they're not government and they are not supported by the taxpayers.

Company: FTC Sells Out
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Address: Wash DC - Texas & San Francisco
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Travelers Express & the High Tech Gov Hackers
BBB No HELP - Travelers Express riped-off...-Claiming poor quality photocopys. Wouldn't a tax audit be interesting?

Nation-wide Fraud at Travelers Express. BBB Better Business Bureau rip-off

Travelers Express - St Paul Mn
VIAD Corp. Travelers Express Inc... Steals money from their customers... Soft $ buys corupt services of us gov - agents... Pays offs to the Democrats and the Republican parties

Government & VIAD Corp
What soft-money can buy... VIAD Corp. Dba Travelers Express corruption

Corrupt corporations buy w / soft-$
Soft-$ to Rep. & Dem buys right to fleece america

Travelers Express Inc. of Minneapolis
Continuing Fraud

Government hackers assigned to block whistleblowers
Government Hackers assigned to block whistleblowers

Government agents hacking internet
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VIAD Corp. dba Travelers Express
VIAD Corp. (dba: Travelers Express. A National Scandal that no official WILL look into fleecing Americans

American Express Travelers Checque
Stop American Express Travelers check fraud