Government Corruptiomn
Gov - Hackers Abuse of whistleblowers

Politics & Government

So often we here politicians or other officials wondering if there might not be a chance of some abuse with high tech gov - agents having such free access. I am here to tell you the abuses are in place and worse then we might have dreamed. If one tries to expose high leval fraud (Viad Corp - paying off "D" & "R" parties for the right to rip off America & geting what they are paying
for. (Viad Corp - does business as Travelers Express Inc.). Anyway if one serriously sets out
to expose such corruption - High Tech Goon Agents get assigned to sabotage any such efforts. They, however, being criminals and selling out their country, have no regard for the rights of the
citizens they are assigned to. They need to go way beyond in an effort to prove how powerful they are - or perhaps how smart. It would appear that most can't help themselves in that
regard. They also see fit to hack my phone and any faxes IU might wish to send. This needs
to get out.

Company: Government Corruptiomn
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Address: Washington DC & grater US
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Government Agents sell-outs
High Tech - Low Character Government Hackers

US Gov & Viad Corp
What tax payers now paying fo

Corporate & Gov corruption
Soft-$ buys government hackers

Government agents hacking internet
Ongoing problems w / gov agents hacking whistle-blowers

FBI hacking whistle blowers (See Carnivor)
FBI agents on internet to block gov - corruption from being exposed

Travelers Express - St Paul Mn
VIAD Corp. Travelers Express Inc... Steals money from their customers... Soft $ buys corupt services of us gov - agents... Pays offs to the Democrats and the Republican parties

Gov - Agents as Hackers
Government hackers assigned to whistleblowers

Federal Government
Abuses of federal power corporate - government fraud Multiple Cities

US Gov Agents
The criminal role of gov - agents (hacking whistle-blowers)

US Gov - Agents
Hacking whistleblowers