Gov - Agents as Hackers
Government hackers assigned to whistleblowers

Politics & Government

As government agents go, these have to be among the worst. They believe they have unlimited
rights to abuse citizens who would expose government corruption. They go far beyond even that criminal purpose. They will change or delete any personal mail - they will block youy efforts to sell something on the internet. I see now that they may even find ways to remove
reports filed here on the What kind of government is this?

Company: Gov - Agents as Hackers
Country: USA
State: D>C>
City: Washington
Address: US Government
  <     >  


Agent Hackers Denying Citizens Contact With Elected Officials

FBI hacking whistle blowers (See Carnivor)
FBI agents on internet to block gov - corruption from being exposed

Corporate & Gov corruption
Soft-$ buys government hackers

Government Corruptiomn
Gov - Hackers Abuse of whistleblowers

Government Agents sell-outs
High Tech - Low Character Government Hackers

Corrupt FBI rigging elections
Government agents feel at liberty to alter elections?

U.S. Gov
U.S. Government Federal FBI corruption

FBI Federal Bureau of Investigations
Government Corruption All U.S. All

Federal Bureau of Investigations
Corruption & Govt Abuse Nationwide

US Gov - Agents
Hacking whistleblowers