Mesa Police
Aka The Dboys Source For A Good Laugh Unreal

Politics & Government

From my own expierence. (Forgive the length but I am passionate about this topic.)

At one point in my young life (22 if you're wondering) now behind me in every connotative sense of the phrase (who says ya cant make it out alive... Lol) I was involved with the kind of people your parents warn you about. The things I was made aware of would make a movie seem cheesy and unreal. It could be assumed that watching someone weigh cash with a floor scale as opposed to tedium of count it is a life changing expierence to a 12 year old.

Of ALLLLLLLL the possible stopping points in the American southwest there is one in particular that is very much prized for the inability of its police to fact the draw of this spot is the widespread idea that its cops dont have the guts to deal with real criminals willing to kill for their eight figures. MESA.

I read somewhere in these boards references to the Mexican Mafia. Folks that aint the my own opinion the money is being made out here by gangs from back east who deposit operatives in Mesa to run stop-off points for shipments bound for distribution to the mid-west and eastern seaboard. (The most intelligent, cash flush, and typically lethal of these operate with CIA protection via southern Arizona based aviation companies, essentially making even speaking about who specifically runs the operations a crime due to federal law prohibiting the revealing of agent names and functions.)

Now the question—why mesa? To answer first consider my own expierence

After leaving the campus of Mesa Community College I was pulled over for lack of lights. While discussing the officer also informed me that I was traveling the wrong direction, and that he suspected I was under the influence. I replied that I wasnt aware that bicycle saftey was such a Mesa PD concern. I also pointed out that had I been riding on the "correct" in this instance I would be disregarding a sign that said "Sidewalk Closed" and several others that designated the area that would have been the correct sidewalk space for where he pulled me over as construction zone.

After an argument that ended with my reminding officer Schmuck that he had yet to identify an arrestable offense and him telling me how lucky I was I wasn't being ticketed I left. NOT FIVE MINUTES LATER WHILE ON THE SAME STREET, at the intersection of Horne and Southern I stopped at the light to find two cars of hipanic men. All of whom were decked out with visable (this is at night too folks) tattoos announcing gang affiliation. For the entire time i was at the light these men in these cars threw gangsigns and yelled at each other. Not a cop to be found. Though I did hear from two other students the next week that they too had been pulled over on their bikes.

Months later while working at a coffee shop I noticed the business operating behind us was doing a bang-up job. Only problem was my female coworkers were afraid to empty the nights trash for fear of a FIENDish encounter. Management informed MPD of this operation on at least a half dozen occasions, and I must say Mesa's Finest did a first rate job of taking down the meth lab and a house stashing illegals. ONLY PROBLEM WAS it wasnt untill a shootout errupted in the street and SWAT was running through my drive through with what looked like Mp5's.

So whats the point of the tell-all?

Mesa will never fix its problems until the base that controls it wakes up. Those with the ability to harm our community from the inside out know that law enforcement here is not willing and/or prepared to take them down with any real effectiveness.

How many white officers do you think will infiltrate the mexican drug and human smuggling rings that have satellite operations on Broadway from Gilbert to Horne? Do you really think with all the ill treatment of migrant workers that the latino community is going to open up to some Gringo Chivato because he spent two years in Mexico and speaks Spanish?

I'll leave you with one more tale more intune to the board than my rant..

In high school at THE jewel of the MPS High Schools (Campus of Champions the republic called - the fellas called em CHAMPFIENDS)
there was an incident involving some associates of mine. At the time I was not directly engaged in any illegal enterprise yet I was questioned for two hours by MPD while at school about my "being a leader" amung "the bad kids". I was told that "you're not just smoking" (this was news to me). Friends of mine also reported an attempt to get them to falsely name me as the ringleader of a drug dealing ring that had supplied MORMON students with a number of narcotics found in several busts that fell into MPDs lap. (We're talking underclassmen smoking blunts on the neighborhood streets around the school at midday)

After weeks of being followed during off-campus lunches a bust was made. Pounds were found in the possesion of a young man who's father is a well-respected attorney in Mesa.

The kid to my knowledge did less than six months (for POUNDS FOLKS... Ever met a small timer without an expensive digital scale. Me either. I THINK THEY CALL THAT INTENT) and was back supplying people in my circle.

That same year one of the few black students at our school was busted for the same offense, with less weight, in roughly the same area.

I didnt see him for a couple years.

Bottom line

The cats rockin stones know the Mesa PD has none, and until we as citizens demand better, the only ugrades will be their Benzes.

Company: Mesa Police
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Mesa
Address: Mesa, Az
  <     >  


Mesa Police Department
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