Mesa Police Department
Mesa PD ALLOWS Molester to Walk


I no longer live in Arizona, and have been fighting to get custody of my 5 year old son who has an abusive mother. My son and I have been through HELL with this disgrace of a legal system in Mesa. It was bad enough that my son would come to visit me with bruises and black eyes. Pictures have been taken, and medical professionals where I live have called CPS in Mesa numerous times. Nothing was ever done and now my son is disclosing that his mother's boyfriend has been molesting him. A case was opened by Mesa PD, and closed in less than a week. The Mesa officer NEVER talked to my son or myself; however he did talk to the sick parasite that has been molesting my son.

After getting a copy of the police report I was disgusted to read that the officer closed the case because 1) there were no witnesses 2) my son couldn't give a date when the crime occurred 3) the boyfriend denied molesting my son. Great work Mesa PD, so if someone denies allegations then they must be innocent?! After looking at the statistics for Arizona and child well-being this explains a lot. Do your job Mesa PD, what do you think happens to the innocent you FAIL? They become high school drop outs, drug addicts and add to the already astronomical incarceration rate. I hope the Federal Government exposes you before anymore children have to die or be harmed because you are too lazy and incompetent to do anything! I will NEVER stop fighting until my son is out of Mesa. I would have never thought such negligence existed, but it does in Mesa!

Wake up Mesa PD you and the judges are to blame, you are just as bad as the sick parasite who molested my son! I can only hope you both end up in the same place!

"Anyone who has the p I no longer live in Arizona, and have been fighting to get custody of my 5 year old son who has an abusive mother. My son and I have been through HELL with this disgrace of a legal system in Mesa. It was bad enough that my son would come to visit me with bruises and black eyes. Pictures have been taken, and medical professionals where I live have called CPS in Mesa numerous times. Nothing was ever done and now my son is disclosing that his mother's boyfriend has been molesting him. A case was opened by Mesa PD, and closed in less than a week. The Mesa officer NEVER talked to my son or myself; however he did talk to the sick parasite that has been molesting my son.

After getting a copy of the police report I was disgusted to read that the officer closed the case because 1) there were no witnesses 2) my son couldn't give a date when the crime occurred 3) the boyfriend denied molesting my son. Great work Mesa PD, so if someone denies allegations then they must be innocent?! After looking at the statistics for Arizona and child well-being this explains a lot. Do your job Mesa PD, what do you think happens to the innocent you FAIL? They become high school drop outs, drug addicts and add to the already astronomical incarceration rate. I hope the Federal Government exposes you before anymore children have to die or be harmed because you are too lazy and incompetent to do anything! I will NEVER stop fighting until my son is out of Mesa. I would have never thought such negligence existed, but it does in Mesa!

Wake up Mesa PD you and the judges are to blame, you are just as bad as the sick parasite who molested my son! I can only hope you both end up in the same place! Anyone who has the power to make you believe absurdities has the power to make you commit injustices." Voltaire ower to make you believe absurdities has the power to make you commit injustices." Voltaire

Company: Mesa Police Department
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Mesa
Address: 130 N. Robson
Phone: 4806443533
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