Gov & corp sell outs of citizns
Government colusion in corporate rip-offs

Politics & Government

Its been an education which I feel obligaterd to share. So you
have a successful corporation and you want to get richer and you
want to do that by riping off your customers. You want to get
away with your plan. What do you do? You make Soft-$ donations to the Dem - & Rep parties. And, what does that buy for you?
Well you might be suprised. If you are of the belief that
there might be some good people who get into politics, and I think there might be, then we are in for an education. If by some chance you do have a good congressman or city councilmen or what ever you will find that they perceive no means whatsoever to stand up to their party. It is the majority which rules and the majority in both parties decided to go along with these sehemes. They would sell out the citizens that they are sworn to represent in return soft-$ from crooked special interists. And - they will require all of their members to go along with that plan if they want to continue in politics. They all choose
to go along. They will all turn their backs and alow you to be riped-off. If you try to expose this they will provide high tech
agents to block your efforts to e-mail / fax.

Company: Gov & corp sell outs of citizns
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Viad in Phoenix
Address: whole country
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U.S. Gov - Fbi
U.S. Gov FBI ripoff of the citizns consumer fraud corruption as above U.S

Government Agents sell-outs
High Tech - Low Character Government Hackers

US Gov & Viad Corp
What tax payers now paying fo

Ongoing gov - hacks
Message to ed account still hacked

Travelers Express - St Paul Mn
VIAD Corp. Travelers Express Inc... Steals money from their customers... Soft $ buys corupt services of us gov - agents... Pays offs to the Democrats and the Republican parties

VIAD Corp. dba Travelers Express
VIAD Corp. (dba: Travelers Express. A National Scandal that no official WILL look into fleecing Americans

Government & VIAD Corp
What soft-money can buy... VIAD Corp. Dba Travelers Express corruption

Corporate & Gov corruption
Soft-$ buys government hackers

Government Corruptiomn
Gov - Hackers Abuse of whistleblowers

US Gov - Agents
Hacking whistleblowers