Winners Readers Circle
Tricked into being told I won free magazines

Newspapers & Magazines

I kept receiving publications within the email without purchasing them. Subsequently got this card to contact them. Subsequently was informed that it had been my free present and could be billed a-one moment charge of $33.00. I had been silly and offered them my creditcardnumber within the telephone. They've been getting me $33.00 each month so when I've delivered numerous termination notices I get no response plus they keep getting me. I'm arguing the cost on my charge card today. I actually donot have any evidence since it was phone conversation.

Company: Winners Readers Circle
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Keystone Heights
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Great American Readers
Say you're getting gift but really are spending same amount for magazines


Fulfillment Center, Largo, FL - Acaipure
Billed for Unwanted Products

Treasure Coast Readers
Unauthorized Account

Grant Funding

ID Max Colon
Credit card fraud charges
Fraudulent charges

United Benefit Advantage
Fraudulent Company took money from my account without authorization and no order placed

Charged for product can't cancel it

Smart Smoker