SB Magazines, Inc
Non Delivery of Order, No Refund

Newspapers & Magazines

I'm in Florida - the corporation relies in Gold, Co.

Door-to-door Journal revenue ("helping students")... I put an order in December - for $65. They didn't inform me this journal was no more available. I waited the required 120 times before calling them concerning the membership. They provided a, I rejected, and required a those days I had been ready to obtain a contact reply - the repetition. Explained to email copies of the purchase, canceled check, along with a notice why I needed a return. Since that time I Have shipped, faxed, e-mailed, named... I can't achieve a note centre or live person. They're possibly assisting a person or not at work. No reply.

Company: SB Magazines, Inc
Country: USA
State: California
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American Reading Club
Non-delivery of magazines

US Periodicals Inc
Fraud and cheating

Movemeant Sales, Inc
The journal was never sent

US Periodicals Inc

Magazine subscription fraud

Urban Development Solutions
Magazines never received $175.00 worth

Magaine Readers Service

Hearst Magazines/Cosmopolitan
Stolen subscription

SB magazines
Non Deliver of Subscription

Crs, Inc C/o Lss, Inc
Want magazine subscription