Nancy Grace

Newspapers & Magazines

I'm frantically looking out ways to document official grievances from this terrible Nancy Grace. I can't stand to hear her one sided, unaware protection of any subject beneath the sunlight. I've never been more surprised in a journalists insufficient life-experience, handle of the language and thoughtlessness. Its like she's a naive 20-year old in a-50 year-old body. Her protection of the Michael Jackson Misfortune has set the topping about the dessert of course if it weren't for Larry King I'd never patronize CNN again. He's significantly superior in his capability to really handle interviews and obtain the news headlines documented and details discussed. I get practically nothing from Nancy Acceptance but argumentative disruptions obstructing the tales that people all worry about! Please do something positive about this bad coordinator. Several, many people experience this same outrage and certainly will start to consider public activity if anything is not done about that Dis_Grace.

Company: Cnn
Country: USA
State: California
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