Nancy Price Interiors
Nancy Price, John Price, Design Legacy, Kelly O'Neal, Nancy price Collection New Nancy Price Collection Funded With Stolen Money!

Construction & Repair

Nancy Price Kelly O'Neal = Stolen Designs and Money! Admitting that she and husband John were aware of new partner Kelly 'O'Steal' O'Neal's documented criminal history in a Sept. 17 comment on, Nancy Price unveils her new furniture and decorative collection, ALL FUNDED WITH MONEY STOLEN FROM HARD-WORKING ARTISTS, VENDORS AND CRAFTSPEOPLE. For info on Nancy's choice of 'business partner', google 'kelly o'neal thieves' or 'design legacy swindlers'. If you want to work with the ethical and moral cesspool that is now Nancy Price Interiors, feel free. If you don't want to support theft from artists and craftspeople, work with an honest company. Questions? Contact LegacyVictimsOrg on yahoo dot com. Otherwise, please boycott these two unprofessional so-called 'businesses' and let everyone you know know what swindlers they both are! Thank you for your support!

Company: Nancy Price Interiors
Country: USA
State: Mississippi
City: Jackson
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DESIGN LEGACY / Legacy Trading Company / Kelly O'Neal
Kelly O'Neal's Interior Design SWINDLERS, CON ARTISTS and THIEVES

FELICIA BERRY/Legacy Trading Company
Berry = con woman

Design Legacy Furniture Collection
Stolen designs

Greg O'neal/philosophy Design

Thieves swindlers!

David Griffin & Company Realtors
Fraud and theft

Design Legacy Candles
They're Stolen!

Design Legacy Wall Charts
Theft of design & services

Design Legacy Wall Charts
Theft of design & services

Supports theft from artists!