TWX Magazines
Unauthorized charges

Newspapers & Magazines

For two years in a row this company has hammered us with renewal notices and then when we didn't respond, took it upon themselves to charge my original card that I used for the first subscription 4 years ago (I haven't renewed since). Last year, about this time, this company, TWX MAGAZINES charged me for a year's subscription without my approval.

Guess what? They just did it again!?!?!?!?! Does anyone have any links where I can report them to the BBB or some other regulating agency? How do these telemarketers think they can get away with charging for things I didn't ask for? I can only imagine the $100,000's of $1,000's these snakes are raking in from the people who don't look to closely at their statements. How can they live with their slimy selves?

Company: TWX Magazines
Country: USA
State: New York
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