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Mobile Phones

I am extremely displeased of my android device. It was actually december 09 when i was deceived to believe that Adobe Flash Player 10.1 would be made available for all android devices within the first half of 2010. After further research specifically about the Motorola Droid I purchased the android device. The only reason I decided to buy the Moto Droid was because I was assured that it would get the update I found so appealing. However I fear I've been bamboozled as every update deadline is exceeded a new one is created. Now here it is way passed the promised update and instead of keeping their word it seems they're just going to release the Droid 2 with everything that they promised in the first Droid. Then the only way to have the phone I thought I had bought will be to spend even more money to get the new Droid. Not cool.

Sincerely disappointedYoung Droid

Company: Android
Country: USA
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