Samsung phone
Disappointment Samsung Galaxy S4 - Samsung Glaxy S4

Mobile Phones

To Whom this may concern,
My name is Duy Le and I am writing to express by disappointment in my latest purchases Samsung overall.
I bought a Samsung S4 from a Vodaphone dealer (Mo's Mobiles-Inala L1092). It worked fine for about 3 weeks until the battery reached 40% it would turn off. Also the camera would turn off, almost immediately when used. If it did stay on, it would turn off soon after.
Since it failed within 28 days, we exchanged it for a new one with serilization rfd54881rj. It worked fine 3 months before it too began to overheat and turned off spontaneously. I bought it back to the dealer and they sent it away to Samsung. I have now been without a phone for 4 weeks and it has been a major inconvenience
I feel that your products are no longer made to the same standards as the S1/S2 generation and this will probably be the last time I purchase one of your phones

Company: Samsung phone
Country: USA
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