Waka Network
Consumer Report


Caller indicated she had won a Walmart giftcard and gas card. They then convinced her to sign up for a savings and special offers deal. When she checked her account a week later, they had charged her an additional $59.99. When I called them back, they originally refused to repay her the money stating they would give her additional compensation to make up for the inconvenience, then they got rude and obnoxious. I had them state they would cancel the account and refund the money. Now I am just waiting to see what happens. They like to take advantage of those that don't know any better.

Company: Waka Network
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Henderson
ZIP: 89074
Address: 701 N. Green Valley Parkway, Suite 200
Phone: 4591218344, 8773321490
Site: wakanetwork.com
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Waka Network
Consumer Report

Waka Network
Consumer Report

Waka Network
Consumer Report

Waka Network
Consumer Report

Waka Network
Consumer Report

Waka Network
Consumer Report

Waka Network
Consumer Report

Waka Network
Consumer Report

Waka Network. Ne 5966 8662599490
Consumer Report

Waka Network
Consumer Report