Consumer Report


Found bogus charges on my credit card - google searched it and found a vague webpage stating basically nothing. Then I saw postings from folks stating they too were charged 39.95 (myself x 2) as well as $1 & $2 charges (one each of these on my cc as well)... Charged for things they knew nothing about. I took their advise - called my cc company - cancelled by cc transfer stuff to a new one and will be doing the paperwork to dispute the charges.
The wonderful citi card claims person - understood completely - & this website with commentes - thank you too!

Company: ExcSupport.com
Country: USA
Phone: 8776360904
Site: excsupport.com
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Vistaprint Or Vpclubus Or Passport 2 Fun Plus
Was charged 5 months for $14.95 that I never authorized!

Consumer Report

Adultmegaplex, Aka Pay-comms.com, Aka Merchsolutions.com, Aka Daniel Merloca
Adultmegaplex, Aka Pay-comms.com, Aka Daniel Merlocaadultmegaplex, Aka Pay-comms.com, Aka Merchsolutions.com, Aka Daniel Merloca New scam... Check your CC bills carefully! Cyprus, St. Kitts, China

Google Money Tree
Charged my bank account $72.21 for a membership I never ordered and refuses to credit the bogus charges

Fraudulently charged mastercard $74.95 12/30/06 & again $69.95 1/12/07 with no consent! Never heard of this network & can' t get a live person to talk to-website not active!

Consumer Report

Shopper Discounts & Rewards
Unauthorized Credit Card Charges

Allied Interstate

Learning Annex - NRI National Real Estate Investors - James Smith
No Refund to date as required by CA state cancellation law! Ripoff

MWI Connections
Rip-off fraudulent billing