Kangaroo DVD
Consumer Report


I orderd NYPD BLUE full set, Only received second 1/2 of the series. I sent many emails because it took 15 weeks to get what I did only to discover that they don't run in order and they are recorded off a TV station "COURTTV". This company when I placed my order made it look they were an Australian company but they certainly are not. This company needs to be black listed or not allowed to advertise on the net!!!

Company: Kangaroo DVD
Country: USA
Site: kangaroodvd.com
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Kangaroo DVD
Consumer Report

Kangaroo DVD
Consumer Report

Kangaroo DVD
Consumer Report

Kangaroo DVD
Consumer Report

Kangaroo DVD
Consumer Report

Kangaroo DVD
Consumer Report

Kangaroo DVD
Consumer Report

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Kangaroo DVD
Consumer Report

Kangaroo DVD
Consumer Report