Indi Gugliani - CEO Allow clients to abuse Vendors and collect Vendor fees with no support or protection


Have been a long term Guru Vendor provider and closed out almost 50 projects successfully over 3 years with no real problems.

Had a client who wanted business planning done who stated they had all market research and financial planning done. Later on client revealed they had no data prepared and they wanted that section of the work completed for free. When I refused to complete the work for free he became foul mouthed and made a physical threat against me.

Reported to GURU and send all correspondence. When I informed the client I would not deal with him anymore GURU stated that I had been too harsh and despite already completing 50% of the work that was paid for up front, asked me to refund the client which I refused.

The client then posted negative feedback against me stating my company/employer, my university degree were fakes and was not a real company (despite guru having our EIN so we can do 1040 work) and that no work had been completed despite sending copies of analysis and spreadsheet work beyond the 50% mark to GURU to verify that.

I contested the comment and GURU stated that I can pay to have it removed but will not remove it as it is policy. Furthermore their representative Joe stated I swore at the client by stating the clients emails to myself were threatening and 'childish'. I emailed CEO Indir Gugliani stating my company wanted the comment removed as it was defamatory and he did not even have the courtesy to reply. So in short they have taken thousands of dollars in commissions and fees from our company and allow defamatory statements posted on their website against our company as as advertising board to hurt our company's future earnings and will not do anything to help their own long-term vendors. Additionally, their employee Jason also stated when we threatened with legal action to remove the comment that our company was a fake company and we could not support our charges against

Lastly, it turned out that the client was actually operating under a fake name so GURU do not even validate their clients credentials.

GURU is a sham/scam and should be avoided at all costs.

The CEO is only interested in collecting fees from Vendors (very steep fees) and providing no protection from clients, even from threats of violence.

Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Pittsburgh
  <     >  

Do NOT trust!


Melissa DelVille
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