Consumer Report


I tried to buy a TV from this company, they where quick enough to take my money but no sign of the TV. They are uncontactable, I have heard nothing from them. Luckily I paid by ccredit card so I wont be out of pocket.

Company: Jamdup.com
Country: USA
City: London
Address: Suite 36, 88-90 Hatton Garden
Phone: 4403333441440
Site: jamdup.com
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Global Cash Master Card
They took $159.95 out of my account, said i would get this credit card with $6,500 limit, sent me two cards that somebody already had, told me i had $5.00 on the card and i can not get a refund, bad bad!

PC Doctor On Call - pcdocrx
PC Doctor On Call - Pcdocrx ripoff Took $US29.95 by credit card but did not deliver software. Uncontactable

Consumer Report

$415.00 ripoff! Sent me a defective pocket bike that wont work

Richard Quick, Esquire
RICHARD QUICK - Rich Quick - R. Quick - R.Q. Ripoff MultiMillionaire Scam Artist Sells dream of making millions like him in a few months guaranteed if you buy his books! Took twice that long for half as much!

Pocket Pods
Bought what i thought was a ipod and it never stays on doenst work cant get my money back!

USA Credit
Beware of the internet shopping card rippoff

Defcon Networks LLC
Uncontactable, Suspended Services, Refunded Double Billing Mistake and lost money

Quick Roofing
Bullies storm victims

My Fitness - Quick Income
My Fitness Also Per Phone Call Its Quick Incomemy Fitness Or Quick Income charged my credit card 29.95 on mar 16th but said i asked for thier stuff on feb 28th never heard of them or filled anything out