Consumer Report


I ordered a trial sample. I received 3 different creams which I hadn't the following week I received another shipment with a charge of $3.14 and $98.89 on my credit card. I returned the shipment right away and advised the company not to send me anything more. The same day I cancelled the account they said another shipment had been sent out and another charge of $101.79 was put on my credit card. I was out of my mind. I returned it to sender as soon as received. That was in July. Since then I spoke with Trisha, Tara in August, Sara in September Kim in October and Frank in November whon all said the refund was short coming. Still to this date I have now received anything and have been in contact with their Corporate Office by email to only have my email returned. This is more than a scam. I feel really stupid to have been taken in by them but I will not give up. Have someone do something about this so this does not happen to more people.

Company: Rejuvenex
Country: USA
State: New York
City: New York
ZIP: 10017
Address: 333 East 43rd Street, Suite 114
Phone: 8004432490
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They charged my credit card twice and never gave me my confrimation code and i cant get in touch with anybody Ripoff

Consumer Report

Rainforestberry / Cleanse Gold
RAINFORESTBERRY - CLEANSE GOLD Rainforestberry, FWM laboratories (distributor) unauthorized charges on debit card causing overdraft

Charged me for free trial sample, sent another sample and charged credit card before it was even received furthermore to my knowledge all I had requested was a trial sample and did not ask for continu

Ripoff - Will not refund money for returned shipment California

Mineral Simplicity
Unable to cancel

Extreme Acai Berry
No refund

Refund Recovery Software, Aka Overnight Recovery Software
Total ripoff. They are completely willing to take your $88.00 but totally unwilling to respond to requests for help. Ripoff fraud home base, work at home business

WhiteOverNite - Novapointe - BurnFatHoodia - SkyFission
WhiteOverNite - Novapointe - SkyFission -BurnFatHoodia ripoff Charged my credit card for $106.90 for product I did not authorize and refuses to issue refund
Complete rip-off