Target Contests
Consumer Report


I received an text from an unknown number claiming that I won $1000 dollars redeemable at target due to 'last months entry'. Problem is, I never made any sort of entry last month. I told my mom and she said 'do it. What do you have to lose?' So I clicked the link and it never let me on the page. It just kept saying 'safari cannot open the page due to lack of Internet connection' which is weird because my data was on. My mother thought it was my phone, so she went out of her way to bring my phone in only for the lady to look at me stupidly and say it was just the page and that it was contaminated. So apparently not only is it a scam, but it had a virus attached to mine.

Company: Target Contests
Country: USA
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Target Contests
Consumer Report

Target Contests
Consumer Report

Target Contests
Consumer Report

Target Contests
Consumer Report

Target Contests
Consumer Report

Target Contests
Consumer Report

Target Contests
Consumer Report

Target Contests
Consumer Report

Target Contests
Consumer Report

Target Contests
Consumer Report