Waka Network
Consumer Report


Like these other people that are complaining I was told I had won some gifts after filling out a survey. I did stupidity give out some info I should have not and after agreeing to the fee of $2.99 for costs and asking what I would be charged monthly if I wanted to keep the service (was told it would be $10.99 a month) I said I would try it. To my shock today when checking my bank account I found out there had been the sum of $59.99 taken out of my bank acct.By this company. There is no way I can afford this and being a 72 year old woman on a fixed income this has hurt me in many ways. Because of this withdrawal I have other payments for my monthly bills that have not gone through and will cost me fees that I can not afford. This is a crime that this company can do this to people and I think they should be stopped.

Company: Waka Network
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Henderson
ZIP: 89074
Address: 701 N. Green Valley Parkway, Suite 200
Phone: 4591218344, 8773321490
Site: wakanetwork.com
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Waka Network, 512-646-0035
Consumer Report

Waka Network AND Walmart
Consumer Report

Waka Network
Consumer Report

Waka Network
Consumer Report

Waka Network
Consumer Report

Waka Network
Consumer Report

Waka Network
Consumer Report

Waka Network
Consumer Report

459-121-8344 This is the number calling me from Waka network with a scam, saying I won a $100.00 dollar gift card from Wal-Mart, a Gas Card all I had to do was go to my computer and type in the web site, as soon as I started it showed waka scam
Consumer Report

Waka Network
Consumer Report