Guess Shop
Consumer Report


On 3 October I purchased a GHD hair straightener online which was purported to be new and in original condition. On the same day I received email confirmation of my credit card payment from Fashionpay claiming to be an "independent third party institution with credibility dealing with all disputes... We devote ourselves to safeguarding cardholder's benefit... If you have any problems about this transaction, please don't hesitate to contact us. We'll try our best to help you until you are satisfied with it..."
When the product arrived the box was in bad condition, ripped and had sticky tape all over the box in an attempt to repair it, and when I opened the box the GHD label was almost rubbed off (it looked like long term usage) and the actual end where the two pieces join together on the straightener itself is broken and the cord CANNOT be attached. It clearly cannot be repaired. The accompanying "how to use the GHD" CD was scratched and trashed. I do not know if this product is second hand or found in the rubbish but it was promoted as a new, full quality product. I am very, very upset with the disgusting quality and unusable condition that has been provided to me. I have emailed Fashionpay twice and they have not responded to me whatsoever. I have contacted my bank but there is little that they can do other than write on my behalf. They also want proof that I have returned the product but I'm not sure what address to return it to as Fashionpay claims to be a "third party" and I also don't want to lose more money in the process. I was trying to confirm their physical location on Google and came across an abundance of concern from people believing they have been scammed by this company - me too. I'm based in Perth, Australia - and these people have my credit card details. I'm deeply concerned.

Company: Guess Shop
Country: USA
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