Consumer Report


On 10/15 an unauthorized charge appeared on my text messages. My account has been overdrawn by $29.95 these charges went unnoticed at this time. It wasnt until the following month that another charge of $29.95 had been charged on my visa account.
I immediatly went online to find out what these charges could be related to just to find out i have been scammed. How can we protect ourselves from scamms like these in the future and how do i get my money back? I am a senior citizen on social security and i cant have people stealing my money like that..

Company: CsNetTools.com
Country: USA
Phone: 8775420288
Site: csnettool.com
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Caprice Marketing
Consumer Report

Bank of America
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Blazing Keywords/Grant Masters
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Fifth Third Bank
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Consolidated Media Services
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BB&T Bank
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WC Value-Plus V
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