Consumer Report


I was offered a free trial of the product with a $4.99 shipping and handling for 30 days. I then received a full box of the product of which I tought was the 30 day trial. 2 weeks later a new charge of 84.99 was charged to my account. When calling to correct the problem I spoke to a customer service agent whom seem to be an automated teller and told me his end of the agreement. He would not give me my money back.

Company: Unknown
Country: USA
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Consumer Report

RM Billing Charged me $74.94 for a product never received

Natural Health Network
Scam, deceptive practives, frauds

Raw Minerals
Iritated consume

Bromalite And AcaiBerry
I was offered a free product by paying only for shipping and handling Dec. 11. Now I have been charged $ 69.95 twice in Jan. And $ 88.62 once, I did not authorized for them to ship or charge me the product to my visa

Bella brite
Ivory white charged me for product even though it was a 30 day free trial

Colon Cleanse 3000
Cleanbodytrial.com Charged me $88.64 plus $4.95 S&H for a free trial and will not refund the money even though I never received the free trial

Advertise a product that should be used together but sends it separately. Charged me for a product not yet received

Ivory White Teeth Whitening
Free trial scam. Beware! We must stop them

Derma Juvenate / Glf
DermaPure Told me that I could get a free trial of their product for just the cost of shipping of $1.99 then put on the invoice that they would be sending me the product every month & charging my credit card