Consumer Report


I have tried to get an online id check i made 2 payments, the first of 200, they then sent me a request for finnal payment of 300 to recieve my id check and full refund, i recieved an email today requesting me to send 500 (total of previous payments) to verify my payments because there system has changeed? I have had no reply to my queerys on this request. Please advise

Country: USA
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Consumer Report

I Recieved A Check For $4, 950 From alan.
Consumer Report

Sallie Mae Department of Education Loan Services
Ripped Off, Complaint, Lack of Customer Service

Care Credit
G. E CAPITAL, GENERAL ELECTRONIC COMPANY Online payments not going through. Weeks with no Notifications.internet

Making_data work
Data options duty daily and you would be required to work according to instructions, using the Microsoft Office tools and the Accounting software. Now the function of the Accounting software is to arrange, formali

Conn's Credit Corporation
Overpaid them and now they won't return the money they owe me

Incompetent! Refund requested. 10 weeks and numerous emails - still no refund!

Target National Bank-Target Credit Services
Target Corporation Not posting online payments when made and taking auto payments creating credit balances

GMAC Mortgage
Weekly payments not applied to Principal

Ripped off by - how to