ECS Loans
Consumer Report


This company have taken £69.95 out of my account without my permission i have not asked them for help and dont want it 1 applied to loan solutions for a loan and paid them a fee of £59.99 they could not help us so we decided not to get a loan and to sort things out ourselves please can you check this company out and get our money back it is a disgrace that these companys can just take money when not authoriesed we are find it hard enough to live without this sort of thing happening thank you

Company: ECS Loans
Country: USA
City: Swansea
Address: 34 Hanover Street
Phone: 01446731270
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EPM MyLoans. Me
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Ripoff Oregon

SGE Loans
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SGE Loans
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777club cs
I applied for a loan with Payday Loan a loan which I never did takE, and the next thing I know there was an unauthorized withdrawal from my checking account for $19.99 for membership

Personal Credit Services
Ripoff do not go here if you have bad credit you will get ripped off

Discovery Finance UK
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Easy Loans
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Palm Loan Advances
This company withdrew $30.00 out of my bank account without my persmission. I never applied or requested a loan from this company