Irene Vega
Grow up irene leave us alone get a life


I was sent a email telling me to look under this site someone had posted some lies about me with the link for the report. The person who sent the email did not have the balls to sign their name. It turns out that someone or Irene herself posted on something to do with medicaid. She then posted some nonesense about me. First of all Irene yes our children are half-brother and sister but I will never let my child near you or your crazy ways.

As for your mother I do not speak to the woman, I have nothing against her and do not care what any of you do.

As for my husband we are getting married once I finsih with the child support case against Luis. Is this the reason you are doing this? Because Luis has finally been caught and we went to court in August and are going back in November when the court will make him pay back fifteen years of back support and then current support.

Then you can't keep dragging him into court for more money because he won't have it. As for the past I do not care what any of you did. You wanted him and got him and look how it turned out. I am happy with my life, have a wonderful fiancee and wonder bright child.

My son wants nothing to do with you, Luis or your children. He feels bad for your kids because of all the drama and nonsense they are put through. If I was you I would stop with the games and grow up. Between you, Luis and Dolores no wonder you all have the problems you do. I do not have drama in my life like you all do and would not allow any of you to effect my child the way your children have been.

You are a low-class, low educated piece of trash with no self-respect. I have no time for your childish nonsense, I did not earn my college degree by playing games. As for your comments on my copying your email I got a good laugh because I have my own email that is nothing similar to yours and for these so called e-cards what is that suppose to be about? Come on I said what I had to say to you a long time ago.

You were the one calling my cell phone, playing games non-stop until I had my cell phone number changed. How about all the crazy emails you sent me? Those were reported to yahoo for harrasement. I don't care what you do as long as you leave myself, my child and family alone. You need to get help and learn to deal with your mistakes instead of blaming others for how your life turned out. Secondly, the problem you have with Luis's wife take up with her not me. She is the one claiming that people are coming up to her saying your daughter is having sex and that she hopes she gets pregnant so that they won't have to pay support, also claiming your son came to their house with red marks on his leg. When question it was said your boyfriend hit him with the belt because the child said he wanted to live with his father.

This is all sick and you people are all unfit to raise children. Luis did not deny this when I told him what I was told. Also, these kids are not mine and I told him that all of you need to stop hating on each other and think of the kids. Secondly, she should have never said what she did about your daughter because she is not her mother and if she has a problem have Luis go to you.

Maybe you allow her to do as she pleases when the children are there but I don't tolerate crap when it comes to my child. Anyone who tries to play with my child will be knocked down on their ass. I am not called the Italian bitch for nothing. I thank god everyday you did me the favor of sleeping with Luis behind my back so I broke up with him.

My child has the best of everything, and makes straight A's in school. Your daughter's stepmother tells everyone how the child can't read beyond fourth grade. Keep your problems away from us. I can't help how your life turned out you chose the decisions you made and now must live with them.instead of harrassing me take a look at what is happening around your life and how it is effecting your children.

Whether what was said about your children is true or not is not my concern. Lstly as for your comment about wanting the children to talk, you are so full of it. The only thing you wanted was to get back at Luis but guess what it worked two-fold because he was finally busted and now has to pay support. I don't need his money like you.

That support will go directly to my child. Keep posting anything you want about me because I find it typically you. As for taping the conversations maybe you did that but I don't have any reason to tape children's talks. You gave me all the information I needed to find Luis. Maybe that was guilt that you knew he had a son but until you two divorced you never bother looking for my child to let the kids know each other.

I caught onto your game and want no part of it. Please seek the help you are crying out for. If you want to face me why didn't you when you came to NY for your family members funeral?

I heard from Luis you were here and I was waiting for you to show up so we could finally have it out once and for all.

If you have something to say stop hiding behind these emails, calls etc and face me and say it. Otherwise please have a nice life and leave us alone.

Keep the soap opera in Florida I have a very busy full life and don't need your drama. I hope this is the last i hear from you. Thank you

Company: Irene Vega
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Newport Richey
Address: 6332 Louisiana Avenue
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Dolores Acosta
Rotten Stepmommy Dearest needs to face reality

Luis Antonio Acosta Jr
Deadbeat, cheater, liar, scum of the earth florida

Luis Antonio Acosta Junior
Luis Antonio Acosta Jr. If you want to be a deadbeat dad then face the music. Rip-off!

Luis Antonio Acosta
Jr. Deadbeat. Rip-off!

Luis Acosta Jr
Physically abusive, deadbeat, lia

Luis A. Acosta Jr
Emotional blackmail abuse, deadbeat, liar, sick s.O.B

Luis Antonio Acosta Jr
Ripoff, deadbeat, lying trash, scum, sperminating

Dolores Acosta
Wicked stepmother who is a bitch

Luis Deadbeat Acosta Jr
Jackass deadbeat dad sperm donor liar dick

Jerry Dean Litmon
JD Fugitive, running from the law, skipped out on paying past due child support for three children, Dead Beat Dad