Ashley Smith
Consumer Report


I was scammed by this company for 996.00 and no one to help me recover it. I have all the info and money that I paid out and need this money because they took every dime I had! The company told me that I was entitled to a grant and that there where the area that were chosen. They say that it will only cost 280.00 then I would receive 8080.00 as long I was not a criminal or misusing the money. Then it turned into 300.00, then 496.00 and left me penniless. I only receive disability and need my money back a.S.A.P. I have called everyone and they say my money is gone even though I have all receipts and addresses and the company is right there in Washington D.C. The amount is 996.00.

Company: Ashley Smith
Country: USA
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Health and Human Sevices
Consumer Report

Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Consumer Report

US Goverment Grant Department
Carl Stiebel Call to inform me I had been chosen to receive a grant worth $7,000, because I had been paying my taxes and didn't not have a criminal background

Government Grant from Washington D.C
Consumer Report

Health and Human Services
Consumer Report

American grant department
What a terrible scam this is BEWARE!

Government Grant Information And Guide Center
SCAM RIP-OFF LIARs who play on your financial needs and emotions

National Grant Department
US Ripoff Off National Grant Department

Federal Reserve Bank of Washington DC
Consumer Report

National Grants Department
They will try to steal your identity