Work at Home Prospect Typhoon WHPT
Consumer Report


I found this ad in local advertizement Paper week of 9-12 I called the number on ad the said investment started
at$50. And up earn 20% 15 days. I called and
talk to mr chad Ingel or Engel he might have
brother steve Ingel I seen his name on site
but I did not see chad Ingel when I talk to
him he was invester to and he invested $7000.
And was geting paid. I called him a couple days
later he said I would have to get Pay-pal Acc.
I did that and then I invested with debit card
$500. Then in few days they were going to change in 15 days or so to PaySimple they said
they were going to send my $500. Back to my debit card so they did but they said I would
have to buy Green-Dot at Wal-Mart So i called
some other People that were in it and they said that thay Got Paid. So i said ok this is
Great I did call 7 or 8 people that were investers with WHPT I Still have all there numbers so then I went to Wal-mart and got Green-Dot cards 2 for $500. Each and sent that
to them and then used my credit Card for$1000.
Slot I thot it was ok boy was I dumb. Then they sent me email that said there has been an error with your most recent Trasactions to
our credit card processors. We are requesting
that you contact your credit card company with regard to your most recent Transaction
with the paysimple payment processor. Request
a charbeback of the funds and clam it as
unauthorized so that you get your refund sent
back to you. That was 10-16 they said they were going to pay on 10-21-22
that is all I know. The Web Site is Down said
will be up soon it went down Monday night
10-22 can You Help? This has been hard
for me to do dont know computer plus back
ploblems. Thank You very Much 10-26

Company: Work at Home Prospect Typhoon WHPT
Country: USA
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