E-Cigs Brand
Consumer Report


I ordered the trial sample for $4.95 on 10/09. They then charged my account for $109.67 without my permission. Nothing in the trial period about this charge for anything. Can't even use it as the vapor causes you to cough continually. I want my money back and my over draft charges.

Company: E-Cigs Brand
Country: USA
Phone: 18668202464
Site: ecigsbrand.com
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Ecig brand
Consumer Report

E-Cigs Brand
Consumer Report

E-Cigs Brand
Consumer Report

E-Cigs Brand
Consumer Report

E-Cigs Brand
Consumer Report

Vapor Corp
Consumer Report

Pure Colon 1000
Unauthorized charges

E-Cigs Brand
Consumer Report

Grant Funding Search
I ordered a cd for 1.98 and they took out 69.95 also without my permission

Optima Cigs
Consumer Report