Consumer Report


I found a free trial online for the Ecig. I ordered it for a friend of mine who is struggling to quit. After ordering what was suppose to be a free trial $5.95 shipping and handling, the company ended up charging an extra $99.99 to my card without my permission.

Company: ECigHu
Country: USA
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Very slick advertising got me scammed!

Consumer Report

Health 101, LLC
No such Thing as 14 day Free Trial

Derma Juvenate / Glf
DermaPure Told me that I could get a free trial of their product for just the cost of shipping of $1.99 then put on the invoice that they would be sending me the product every month & charging my credit card
Trial 'Offer' a lot more then just a TRIAL SCAMMED! FL company Ecig

White Over Nite
White Over Night Ripoff dishonest fraudulent advertising no free trial you will be billed!

Ivory Brites
FREE TRIAL at this point free has cost me $186.87

Berkeley Pharmaceuticals
Ripoff, unauthorized charges to credit card

Elite ecig
Consumer Report

FWM Laboratories
Unauthorized billing