JMW Financial
Rip-off! Deceitful practices!


My experience was the same as most of yours. I was able to get my money back with my bank's help. Then I got the collection letter but got that resolved by sending back the training package to JMW certified mail with return receipt and writing the collection agency to explain the deceitful practices used by this company. I was advised by my attorney to contact as many people as possible to complain about this company and I am urging all of you to do the same.

Send complaints to the Better Business Bureau (, the Arizona State Attorney General's office ( State. Az.Us) and HUD (www.hud. Gov). Also, this website has been a very valuable asset when proving my case. There are at this writing over 80 complaints and I urge everyone to not sit by and let this company get away with their scam. Complain, Complain, Complain until something is done! I also found a good article on the following website that explains why tracers won't make any money (wsbtv website - search JMW).

Company: JMW Financial
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Mesa
Address: 2655 West Guadalupe Rd, Ste. 30
Phone: 8665372907
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How to get your money Back

Refund Processor / Refund Recovery
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Attorney General - Radio Shack - BBB Better Business Bureau
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Texas State Attorney's General Office
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Wli*reservationrewards. Co